apfelmus wrote:
Benedikt Huber wrote:
 > type Upd a = a -> a
 > data Ref cx t
 > = Ref { select :: cx -> t , update :: Upd t -> Upd cx }

Functional references are also called "lens", I'm going to use that term from now on.

As a minor note, I somehow prefer a single primitive

  data Lens s a = Lens { focus :: s -> (a, a -> s) }

nice name.

there cannot be a general parallel combinator

  (&&&) :: Lens a b -> Lens a c -> Lens a (b,c)

with for example

  players = player1 &&& player2

That's because the two arguments might not be parallel at all. For instance, consider

  dup :: Lens a (a,a)
  dup = id &&& id

Which component of the pair should

  put dup :: a -> (a,a) -> (a,a)

change? The first, the second, or even both?

>   put :: Lens s a -> a -> s -> s
>   put x = flip $ snd . focus x

put dup :: (a,a) -> a -> a

Arrows IIRC resolve this dilemma by arbitrarily saying the first argument of (&&&) takes effect first... a solution I'm not entirely happy with. Here, first it would put the first element of the pair, then it would put the second, so the result would be the second element. If it were 2d vectors, x::Lens Vector Double, angle::Lens Vector Angle, it makes a difference whether x-coordinate or angle is changed first, and again, (&&&) could sequence.

I wish there was some way to compose them that guaranteed order-independence, and didn't work otherwise, though. I suppose QuickCheck could be used to catch most parallel/disjoint-assumption-mistakes like that...

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