| There may well have been changes to the strictness analyser that make
| some of the bangs (or most) unnecessary now. Also, its very likely
| I didn't check all combinations of strict and lazy arguments for the
| optimal evaluation strategy :)
| If it seems to be running consitently faster (and producing better Core
| code), by all means submit. I don't think this is a ghc bug or anything
| like that though: just overuse of bangs, leading to unnecessary work.

You might think that unnecessary bangs shouldn't lead to unnecessary work -- if 
GHC knows it's strict *and* you bang the argument, it should still only be 
evaluated once. But it can happen.  Consider

        f !xs = length xs

Even though 'length' will evaluate its argument, f nevertheless evaluates it 
too.  Bangs say "evaluate it now", like seq, because we may be trying to 
control space usage.  In this particular case it's silly, because the *first* 
thing length does is evaluate its argument, but that's not true of every strict 

That's why I say it'd be good to have well-characterised examples.  It *may* be 
something like what I describe. Or it may be a silly omission somewhere.

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