On Wed, 12 Dec 2007, Mattias Bengtsson wrote:

> I found myself writing this for an Euler-problem:
> > digits :: Int -> [Int]
> > digits i | i < 10    = [i]
> >          | otherwise = i `mod` 10 : digits ( i `div` 10 )
> And i realised it was quite some time ago (before this function) i had
> actually written any explicitly recursive function. I managed to finish
> the Euler problem however and i was happy about that.
> However it frustrated me that i couldn't find a nice way to abstract
> away that explicit recursion but today i managed to! :)
> My first thought was that the solution probably was using some function
> like scanr, mapAccum or unfoldr to do it (especially the name of unfoldr
> made me think that it would be the solution).
> After abstracting my digits function i realised that it wasn't anything
> more than a fold over the Int type (treating the Int as a sequence of
> digits). "i `mod` 10" and "i `div` 10" would be nothing more than the
> head and tail functions (that corresponds to the (:) pattern matching).
> This is what i came up with finally:
> (I'm not 100% sure on the foldr- and foldl names though. Not sure if the
> semantics are correct, perhaps the function names should be switched?)
> > module FoldIntegral (foldr, foldl) where
> > import Prelude hiding (foldr,foldl,head,tail)
> >
> > head, tail :: Integral a => a -> a
> > head i = i `mod` 10
> > tail i = i `div` 10
> >
> > foldr :: Integral a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> a -> b
> > foldr f z i
> >     | i == 0    = z
> >     | otherwise = foldr f (h `f` z) t
> >     where h = head i
> >           t = tail i
> >
> > foldl :: Integral b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> b -> a
> > foldl f z i
> >     | i == 0    = z
> >     | otherwise = (foldl f z t) `f` h
> >     where h = head i
> >           t = tail i
> Which would make the digits function a one-liner:
> > digits = foldr (:) []
> I hope someone enjoys this.

Hm, I like the 'separation of concerncs' approach and thus I would plainly
convert the number to its digit representation and then apply List.foldr
on it. In your case the applied List.foldr is just 'id'. You can nicely
solve the problem with unfoldr. Why not considering List.unfoldr being the
'integral fold'?

toBase :: Integral a => a -> a -> [a]
toBase b =
   reverse . List.unfoldr (\n -> toMaybe (n>0) (swap (divMod n b)))

Implementing 'swap' and 'toMaybe' is left as an exercise. :-)
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