Dan Weston wrote:
apfelmus wrote:
Luke Palmer wrote:
Isn't a type which is both a Monad and a Comonad just Identity?

(I'm actually not sure, I'm just conjecting)

Good idea, but it's not the case.

  data L a = One a | Cons a (L a)   -- non-empty list

Maybe I can entice you to elaborate slightly. From
http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/2004/hsce/Control.Functor.html and Control.Comonad.html there is

newtype O f g a   -- Functor composition:  f `O` g

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (O f g) where ...
instance Adjunction f g         => Monad   (O g f) where ...
instance Adjunction f g         => Comonad (O f g) where ...

-- I assume Haskell can infer Functor (O g f) from Monad (O g f), which
-- is why that is missing here?

No. But it can infer Functor (O g f) from instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (O f g), (using 'g' for 'f' and 'f' for 'g').

class (Functor f, Functor g) => Adjunction f g | f -> g, g -> f where
  leftAdjunct  :: (f a -> b) -> a -> g b
  rightAdjunct :: (a -> g b) -> f a -> b

Functors are associative but not generally commutative. Apparently a Monad is also a Comonad if there exist left (f) and right (g) adjuncts that commute. [and only if also??? Is there a contrary example of a Monad/Comonad for which no such f and g exist?]

In the case of
 >   data L a = One a | Cons a (L a)   -- non-empty list

what are the appropriate definitions of leftAdjunct and rightAdjunct? Are they Monad.return and Comonad.extract respectively? That seems to unify a and b unnecessarily. Do they wrap bind and cobind? Are they of any practical utility?

I think you're asking the wrong question!

The first question needs to be :

What is "f" and what is "g" ? What are the two Functors in this case?

We know that we want g `O` f to be L, because we know that the unit is return, i.e. One, and

unit :: a -> O g f a
otherwise known as eta :: a -> O g f a

We also know there is a co-unit epsilon :: O f g a -> a, but we don't know much about that until we work out how to decompose L into two Functors.

There are two standard ways to decompose a monad into two adjoint functors: the Kleisli decomposition and the Eilenberg-Moore decomposition.

However, neither of these categories is a subcategory of Hask in an obvious way, so I don't immediately see how to write "f" and "g" as haskell functors.

Maybe someone else can show the way :)


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