I need to generate distinct arbitrary values for my quickcheck tests and
they don't have to be arbitrary (although that doesn't matter).

No problem I thought, I'll create my own random number generator (which
will not be random at all) and use

> choose :: forall a. (Random a) => (a, a) -> Gen a

Here's my code:

> import Test.QuickCheck
> import System.Random
> data MyGen = MyGen Int
>    deriving (Eq, Show)
> myNext :: MyGen -> (Int, MyGen)
> myNext (MyGen s1) =
>    (s1, MyGen (s1 + 1))
> -- Assume we will never need this
> mySplit :: MyGen -> (MyGen, MyGen)
> mySplit = error "No split for predictable random generator"
> myGenRange :: MyGen -> (Int, Int)
> myGenRange (MyGen s1) = (s1, s1)
> instance RandomGen MyGen where
>    next     = myNext
>    split    = mySplit
>    genRange = myGenRange
> data Foo = Foo Int
>    deriving (Eq, Show)
> myRandomR :: (Foo, Foo) -> MyGen -> (Foo, MyGen)
> myRandomR (Foo lo, Foo hi) g =
>    let (n, g') = next g
>       in (Foo n, g')
> instance Random Foo where
>    randomR = myRandomR
>    random = undefined

But I get

> Supply.hs:33:13:
>     Couldn't match expected type `g' against inferred type `MyGen'
>       `g' is a rigid type variable bound by
>           the type signature for `randomR' at <no location info>
>       Expected type: (Foo, Foo) -> g -> (Foo, g)
>       Inferred type: (Foo, Foo) -> MyGen -> (Foo, MyGen)
>     In the expression: myRandomR
>     In the definition of `randomR': randomR = myRandomR
> Failed, modules loaded: none.

I have two questions:

1. Why can't I instantiate a type class with any function I like
provided it fits the type signature?

2. Is this the right approach to generating predictable arbitrary
values? Are there others?

Thanks, Dominic.

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