
The hackage web page confuses me:

As a user, when I go to that page, I would be seeking one of four
pieces of information:

1) How to install a cabal package

2) How to create and upload a cabal package

3) What packages are on hackage

4) What is hackage

The first paragraph answers question 4, before pointing off at the
trac pages, which contain similar and overlapping information, as well
as completely other stuff.

The second paragraph basically answers 3 and 1, but in rather
roundabout ways, not including a link to the answer to 3, but
including a link about CabalInstall which you can't use yet.

The rest of the page is notes for the hackage developers.

I just went to hackage looking for the answer to question 2. I can't
find it. I have a rough idea where some of the information might be
hiding, but we really need a walkthrough tutorial - and I'm sure I've
seen one of these before.

I would think something more like the style of this might work better:

Hackage has now graduated from being a nice idea to being a critial
user-focused thingy, which is great. Perhaps the website needs a
little bit of thought along those lines. This isn't intended to be a
complaint at all - just a new perspective to the people who develop it
and probably don't read the web page at all.


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