Fernando Rodriguez wrote:
data ConsCell a = Nil | Cons a (ConsCell a) deriving Show
head' Nil = Nothing
head' (Cons a _) = Just a

Works fine, however, what's wrong with the following function?

head''     | Nil = Nothing
    | Cons a _ = Just a

You cannot use | as a general shortcut in function definitions as you try here. The stroke is instead used to express different branches selected by boolean expressions:

  headIfNotZero Nil = Nothing
  headIfNotZero (Cons a)
    | a == 0    = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just a

In this definition, (a == 0) and (otherwise) are boolean expressions.

  GHCi, version 6.8.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
  Loading package base ... linking ... done.
  Prelude> otherwise

But in your definition of head'', Nil and (Cons a) are Patterns, not boolean expressions, so it doesnt work out. If you don't like to write out the name of the function you want to define over and over again, you can use an explicit case statement:

  head''' x = case x of
    Nil      -> Nothing
    Cons a _ -> Just a

This is sometimes easier to read, but in this case, I would use your head' definition.

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