On 13 Jan 2008, at 5:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Neil Mitchell writes:
 I quite like the idea of permitting equations to have different
arities. It removes restrictions, makes things more regular etc.

More regular???
My goodness... Of course, it removes restrictions. But in the history of
humanity rarely the removal of restrictions made things more regular!
Sometimes it is useful, but not where it "for free" gives you more
opportunities to make bugs.
I wonder whether
f = g
f x = g x
attributes *always* the same type to both variants of f...

A related variant of this is trivial:

f x = x
f x y = x y

I don't know if eliminating that last argument has similar properties in practice or not.

OTOH, the question is only one of eta-expanding until you get a number of arguments we already /know/ the function takes.


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