I'm absolutely planning to get it up there, but it needs a bit more work first. Just today, gwern sent a bunch of very nice patches that cleaned up some -Wall messages, and fixed a build issue with 6.8. And then, thanks to an email from Martin Lütke, I realized that I had foolishly not exported a function to query groups, because I was too worried about functions to compose them! So yeah, letting your baby out into the world is a bit scary, but everyone's been quite helpful and supportive so far, and hopefully I'll feel ready to get it on hackage in the next week or two.

(Of course, after that, I'm now puzzling over the best typesafe ways to represent html entity encoding and url escaping, planning to pull together some more documentation on all the loveliness of the stringtemplate grammar, there are more quickcheck properties to be written, you know.. the usual. :-) )


On Jan 14, 2008, at 3:09 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

HStringTemplate is a port of Terrence Parr’s lovely StringTemplate
(http://www.stringtemplate.org) engine to Haskell.

It is available, cabalized, at:
darcs get http://code.haskell.org/HStringTemplate/

Looks very useful!  Will this be on hackage.haskell.org soon?

I can't wait to:

    cabal install HStringTemplate


-- Don

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