Tim Chevalier(*) writes:

I think to ease the acceptance of Haskell in the broader world, we
should just change the name to Schönfinkel.

On the other hand, is better not to try Curry, since the French pronounce
it: Queue-rhrhrheeee. This is for me absolutely inacceptable and scandalous,
since thus, they confuse him with Madame Curie, who was Polish, and I am
a patriot. And after a few years, people from some Other Respectable
Cultures will think that Haskell discovered Radium (for French: Hhhhudiomm).

Thank you for this inspiring and awfully useful discussion.

Jerzy K. (K is pronounced as K, the name of some heroes of Kafka, who was
a Germanophone Czech Jew. Do not confuse his K with another K, by Dino
Buzzati, who was Italian).


(*) Pronounced //possibly// as Che Guevara, with Guevara replaced by Valier.
Now, Valier is a mountain in Les Pyrenées,
and the first person who climbed it was a bishop. The second one was also
a bishop, so perhaps Tim should be careful.

Some more messages on this subject, and I will have really to call an
ambulance so they can take me away, far from Internet...

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