Not to start a flame war or religious debate, but I don't think that
eta-expansions should be considered bad style.  I realize that
composition-style is good for certain types of reasoning, but fully
eta-expanded code has an important legibility advantage: you can tell
the shape of its type just by looking at it!  Personally, I'd rather
read the original version.


On Feb01, Derek Elkins wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 00:09 -0500, Cale Gibbard wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Today on #haskell, resiak was asking about a clean way to write the
> > function which allocates an array of CStrings using withCString and
> > withArray0 to produce a new with* style function. I came up with the
> > following:
> > 
> > nest :: [(r -> a) -> a] -> ([r] -> a) -> a
> > nest xs = runCont (sequence (map Cont xs))
> This is what you write after all that time on #haskell?
> nest = runCont . sequence . map Cont
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