On Feb 6, 2008 1:03 PM, Alfonso Acosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2008 4:32 AM, Bjorn Buckwalter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I understand that you (and Wolfgang) are creating a library of type
> > level decimals for the purpose of constraining vector (list?) lengths.
> > After that I haven't been paying attention fully to the thread. Is the
> > goal to create a general-purpose library for type-level programming
> > and my module would fit into that grander scheme?
> Yes,the idea is to create a Cabal-ready wide-scope type-level
> programming library, joining the operations implemented in the
> different type-level libraries which are around. The goal (or at least
> mine) is to provide a common reusable type-level library which saves
> constantly reinventing the wheel.

Ok. Is this what people want -- one big hold-all library with
everything, as opposed to smaller more specialized packages? I guess I
can see advantages (real or perceived) to both approaches.

The other library I use for type-level programming is HList. It has
type-level booleans already so you might what to take a look at it if
you're not already familiar with it. In fact, if you are serious about
creating the de facto(?) type-level programming library trying to get
Oleg involved would be very beneficial both in terms of innovation and

> > Or did you have something else in mind with joining efforts? E.g. help
> > reviewing your code or writing new code?
> >
> This would certainly help too.

I'm sure it would. ;)  I didn't mean to imply that I have plenty of
spare time to invest in this but I'll certainly be paying attention
when you start releasing code.

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