The community might be interested to know that there are (at least)
7 Haskell/FP user groups meeting across the world in the next two 

 FringeDC                            Washington DC/USA        February 9
 PDXFunc                             Portland/USA             February 11
 Fun in the afternoon                London/UK                February 12
 BayFP                               San Francisco/USA        February 13
 Saint-Petersburg Haskell User Group Saint-Petersburg/Russia. February 16
 NYFP Network                        New York/USA             February 19
 NWFPIG: Seattle FP Group            Seattle/USA              February 20

The Austin (Texas) group met a couple of weeks ago.

This is a great development -- a year ago I don't think we had *any*
groups meeting regularly.

Consider dropping in to one, if there's a meetting near you, or
starting your own group!

All groups we know about are listed here:

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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