Jed Brown comments the answer of -
-- Roman Leshchinskiy who answers my question concerning the replacement
of floating-point numbers:
> First, when I see the advice "use something else", I always ask "what",
> and I get an answer very, very rarely... Well? What do you propose?

For Haskell, Rational seems like a good choice. The fact that the standard requires defaulting to Double is quite unfortunate and inconsistent, IMO; the default should be Rational. Float and Double shouldn't even be in scope without an explicit import. There really is no good reason to use them unless you are
writing a binding to existing libraries or really need the performance.

Here Jed Brown says:
Until you need to evaluate a transcendental function.
It would be killing, wouldn't it?...

Yes, it would. I was talking about average programs, though, which (I suspect) don't do numerics and really only need fractions. If you do numerics, by all means use a data type that supports numerics well. But even here, and especially in a functional language, IEEE floating point usually isn't the best choice unless you really need the performance.

You seem to be after a type that can be used to represent non-integer numbers in next to all problem domains. I don't think such a type exists. So, as usual, one has to choose a data structure suited to the problem at hand. IMO, standard floating point is not a good choice for most problem domains so Float and Double shouldn't be used by default. Whether Rational is a good default is certainly debatable.

For all practical purposes, the semantics of (==) is not well defined for floating point numbers. That's one of the first things I used to teach my students about floats: *never* compare them for equality. So in my view, your example doesn't fail, it's undefined. That Haskell provides (==) for floats is unfortunate.

I disagree, on practical basis. Floating-point numbers are very well
defined, we know how the mantissa is represented. If the numbers are
normalized, as they should, plenty of low-level iterative algorithms
may use the equality - after some operation - to check that the machine-
precision convergence has been obtained.

If you are absolutely sure that for every possible precision and for every sequence of operations that compilers will generate from your code your algorithm will actually converge to a particular binary representation and not flip-flop on the last bit of the mantissa, for instance, and if you do not care about the actual precision of your algorithm (i.e., you want as much as possible of it) then yes, you might get away with using exact equality. Of course, you'll have to protect that part of your code by a sufficient number of warnings since you are using a highly unsafe operation in a very carefully controlled context. I'm not sure the trouble is really worth it. Anyway, in my view, such an unsafe operation shouldn't be in scope by default and definitely shouldn't be called (==). It's really quite like unsafePerformIO.

On the contrary, the verification that the absolute value between two terms is less than some threshold, may be arbitrary or dubious.

Only if you use an inappropriate theshold. Choosing thresholds and precision is an important part of numeric programming and should be done with great care.


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