Hugo Pacheco:
I have recently tried to replicate some examples from in the articles about type families but found some possible bugs.

In [2], the example

class C a where
    type S a (k :: * -> *) :: *
instance C [a] where
    type S [a] k = (a,k a)

does not compile under the claim that the type variable k is not in scope.

However, if we extract the type family from the class

type family S a (k :: * -> *) :: *
type instance S [a] k = (a, k a)
class C a

it compiles correctly.
According to [3], the difference is purely syntactic sugar, does that mean that both examples should compile and behave the same or is there some subtlety that justifies the class example not to compile?

I am sorry for the confusion this causes, but we wrote the paper before the implementation in GHC was finalised. Hence, the implementation deviates from the paper in some aspects. Generally, please use

(which will be integrated into GHC's Users Manual for 6.10) as the definite guide to the implementation.

Here a brief rational for this change in design. We originally intended to distinguish between type parameters that do use type indexing (the a in (S a k)) and those that do not (the k in (S a k)). However, we found later that this leads to implementation problems. The new rule is that any explicitly named parmeters, eg, s and k in

  type family S a (k :: * -> *) :: *

are indexed. If you don't want to use the second parameter as an index, write

  type S a :: (* -> *) -> *

This is also simpler to explain, as simply *all* explicitly named parameters in a type family declaration are indicies.

Another issue is that data kinds (used in both [2] and [3]) do not seem to be supported at all by the compiler, are they already implemented in GHC?

Simple examples such as

datakind Nat = Zero
datakind Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

fail to compile.

No, datakinds aren't supported yet. We still intend to add them, but our first priority is to thoroughly debug the existing functionality and especially to make sure the interaction with GADTs works well.

Thanks for the feedback.


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