Ok, I did some search and found Data.Map, which can be used to implement
pretty fast sorting:

import qualified Data.Map as Map

treeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
treeSort = map (\(x,_) -> x ) . Map.toAscList . Map.fromList . map

In fact It is likely to behave like sort, with the exception that it is 23%
faster. I did not hovever check the memory consumption. It works well on
random, sorted and reverse-sorted inputs, and the speed difference is always
about the same. I belive I could take Data.Map and get datatype isomorphic
to specialized *Data.Map a ()* of it, so that treeSort will became
Map.toAscList . Map.fromList. This may also bring some speedup.

What do you think about this particular function?

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 1:45 AM, Krzysztof Skrzętnicki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi
> I was playing with various versions of sorting algorithms. I know it's
> very easy to create flawed benchmark and I don't claim those are good ones.
> However, it really seems strange to me, that sort - library function - is
> actually the worse measured function. I can hardly belive it, and I'd rather
> say I have made a mistake preparing it.
> The overall winner seems to be qsort_iv - which is nothing less but old
> sort replaced by mergesort now.
> Any clues?
> Regards
> Christopher Skrzętnicki
> --- cut here ---
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] haskell]$ ghc -O2 --make qsort.hs && ./qsort +RTS -sstderr
> -RTS > /dev/null
> [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( qsort.hs, qsort.o )
> Linking qsort ...
> ./qsort +RTS -sstderr
> (1.0,"iv")
> (1.1896770400256864,"v")
> (1.3091609772011856,"treeSort")
> (1.592515715933153,"vii")
> (1.5953543402198838,"vi")
> (1.5961286512637272,"iii")
> (1.8175480563244177,"i")
> (1.8771604568641642,"ii")
> (2.453160634439497,"mergeSort")
> (2.6627090768870216,"sort")
> 26,094,674,624 bytes allocated in the heap
> 12,716,656,224 bytes copied during GC (scavenged)
> 2,021,104,592 bytes copied during GC (not scavenged)
> 107,225,088 bytes maximum residency (140 sample(s))
>       49773 collections in generation 0 ( 21.76s)
>         140 collections in generation 1 ( 23.61s)
>         305 Mb total memory in use
>   INIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
>   MUT   time   20.39s  ( 20.74s elapsed)
>   GC    time   45.37s  ( 46.22s elapsed)
>   EXIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
>   Total time   65.76s  ( 66.96s elapsed)
>   %GC time      69.0%  (69.0% elapsed)
>   Alloc rate    1,279,723,644 bytes per MUT second
>   Productivity  31.0% of total user, 30.5% of total elapsed
> --- cut here ---
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
> module Main where
> import System.CPUTime
> import System.IO
> import System.Environment
> import System.Random
> import Data.List( partition, sort )
> data Tree a =
>     Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
>         | Leaf
> qsort_i []  = []
> qsort_i (x:xs) = qsort_i (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++ qsort_i (filter (>=
> x) xs)
> qsort_ii [] = []
> qsort_ii (x:xs) = let (ls,gt) = partition (< x) xs in qsort_ii ls ++ [x]
> ++ qsort_ii gt
> qsort_iii xs = qsort_iii' [] xs
> qsort_iii' acc [] = acc
> qsort_iii' acc (x:xs) =
>     let (ls,gt) = partition (< x) xs in
>     let acc' = (x:(qsort_iii' acc gt)) in qsort_iii' acc' ls
> qsort_v [] = []
> qsort_v (x:xs) = let (xlt, xgt ) = foldl (\ (lt,gt) el -> case compare x
> el of
>                                                             GT -> (el:lt,
> gt)
>                                                             _  -> (lt,
> el:gt) ) ([],[]) xs
>                  in qsort_v xlt ++ [x] ++ qsort_v xgt
> -- zmodyfikowany i
> qsort_vi [] = []
> qsort_vi (x:xs) = qsort_vi (filter (\y-> compare x y == GT) xs) ++ [x] ++
> qsort_vi (filter (\y-> compare x y /= GT) xs)
> -- zmodyfikowany iii
> qsort_vii xs = qsort_vii' [] xs
> qsort_vii' acc [] = acc
> qsort_vii' acc (x:xs) =
>     let (ls,gt) = partition (\y-> compare x y == GT) xs in
>     let acc' = (x:(qsort_vii' acc gt)) in qsort_vii' acc' ls
> -- qsort is stable and does not concatenate.
> qsort_iv xs = qsort_iv' (compare) xs []
> qsort_iv' _   []     r = r
> qsort_iv' _   [x]    r = x:r
> qsort_iv' cmp (x:xs) r = qpart cmp x xs [] [] r
> -- qpart partitions and sorts the sublists
> qpart cmp x [] rlt rge r =
>     -- rlt and rge are in reverse order and must be sorted with an
>     -- anti-stable sorting
>     rqsort_iv' cmp rlt (x:rqsort_iv' cmp rge r)
> qpart cmp x (y:ys) rlt rge r =
>     case cmp x y of
>     GT -> qpart cmp x ys (y:rlt) rge r
>         _  -> qpart cmp x ys rlt (y:rge) r
> -- rqsort is as qsort but anti-stable, i.e. reverses equal elements
> rqsort_iv' _   []     r = r
> rqsort_iv' _   [x]    r = x:r
> rqsort_iv' cmp (x:xs) r = rqpart cmp x xs [] [] r
> rqpart cmp x [] rle rgt r =
>     qsort_iv' cmp rle (x:qsort_iv' cmp rgt r)
> rqpart cmp x (y:ys) rle rgt r =
>     case cmp y x of
>     GT -> rqpart cmp x ys rle (y:rgt) r
>         _  -> rqpart cmp x ys (y:rle) rgt r
> -- code by Orcus
> -- Zadanie 9 - merge sort
> mergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
> mergeSort []    = []
> mergeSort [x]   = [x]
> mergeSort xs    = let(l, r) = splitAt (length xs `quot` 2) xs
>                   in mergeSortP (mergeSort l) (mergeSort r)
> -- funkcja pomocnicza scalajÄ…ca dwie listy uporzÄ…dkowane w jednÄ…
> mergeSortP :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
> mergeSortP xs []            = xs
> mergeSortP [] ys            = ys
> mergeSortP (x:xs) (y:ys)
>     | x <= y = x:(mergeSortP xs (y:ys))
>     | otherwise = y:(mergeSortP (x:xs) ys)
> -- Zadanie 10 - tree sort
> treeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
> -- pointless po raz drugi
> treeSort = (treeSortInorder . treeSortToTree)
> treeSortToTree :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
> treeSortToTree []       = Leaf
> treeSortToTree (x:xs)   = let (xlt, xgt) = foldl (\ (lt,gt) el -> case
> compare x el of
>                                                             GT -> (el:lt,
> gt)
>                                                             _  -> (lt,
> el:gt) ) ([],[]) xs
>                           in Node (treeSortToTree xlt) x (treeSortToTree
> xgt)
> treeSortInorder :: Ord a => Tree a -> [a]
> treeSortInorder Leaf            = []
> treeSortInorder (Node l x r)    = (treeSortInorder l) ++ [x] ++
> (treeSortInorder r)
> -- end code by Orcus
> --
> big_number = 1000000 :: Int
> main = do
>   gen <- getStdGen
>   let xs' = randomRs (1::Int, big_number) gen
>   xs <- return (take big_number xs')
>   t1 <- getCPUTime
>   print (qsort_i xs) -- i
>   t2 <- getCPUTime
>   print (qsort_ii xs) -- ii
>   t3 <- getCPUTime
>   print (qsort_iii xs) -- iii
>   t4 <- getCPUTime
>   print (qsort_iv xs) -- iv
>   t5 <- getCPUTime
>   print (qsort_v xs) -- v
>   t6 <- getCPUTime
>   print (qsort_vi xs) -- vi
>   t7 <- getCPUTime
>   print (qsort_vii xs) -- vii
>   t8 <- getCPUTime
>   print (sort xs) -- sort
>   t9 <- getCPUTime
>   print (mergeSort xs) -- mergeSort
>   t10 <- getCPUTime
>   print (treeSort xs) -- treeSort
>   t11 <- getCPUTime
>   let getTimes xs = zipWith (-) (tail xs) xs
>   let timers = [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11]
>   let times = getTimes timers
>   let table = zip times ["i","ii","iii","iv", "v", "vi", "vii",
> "sort","mergeSort","treeSort"]
>   let sorted = sort table
>   let scaled = map (\(x,n) -> (((fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral $ fst
> (head sorted)))::Double),n)) sorted
>   let toShow = concatMap (\x-> show x ++ "\n") scaled
>   hPutStr stderr toShow
> main_small = do
>   gen <- getStdGen
>   let xs' = randomRs (1::Int, 100000) gen
>   xs <- return (take big_number xs')
>   t1 <- getCPUTime
>   print (qsort_iv xs) -- iv
>   t2 <- getCPUTime
>   print (sort xs) -- sort
>   t3 <- getCPUTime
>   print (mergeSort xs) -- mergeSort
>   t4 <- getCPUTime
>   print (treeSort xs) -- treeSort
>   t5 <- getCPUTime
>   let getTimes xs = zipWith (-) (tail xs) xs
>   let timers = [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5]
>   let times = getTimes timers
>   let table = zip times ["iv", "sort","mergeSort","treeSort"]
>   let sorted = sort table
>   let scaled = map (\(x,n) -> (((fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral $ fst
> (head sorted)))::Double),n)) sorted
>   let toShow = concatMap (\x-> show x ++ "\n") scaled
>   hPutStr stderr toShow
>   hPrint stderr times
> --- cut here ---
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