2008/3/11, David Menendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think Adrian is just arguing that a == b should imply f a == f b,
>  for all definable f, in which case it doesn't *matter* which of two
>  equal elements you choose, because there's no semantic difference.
>  (Actually, it's probably not desirable to require it for *all*
>  definable functions, since an implementation might define e.g. an
>  unsafe function that does pointer comparisons. We'd probably also
>  exclude functions using a private, "internal" interface that exposes
>  implementation details.)
>  I like that property, and it bugs me when I have to use a datatype
>  whose Eq instance doesn't have it (either because (==) throws away
>  information or because the type exposes non-semantic information).

I completely agree that this propriety should be true for all Eq
instance exported by a public module. I don't care if it is not the
case in a isolated code, but libraries shouldn't break expected
invariant (or at least be very cautious and warn the user). Even Eq
Double respects this propriety as far as I know.

Ord case is less evident, but assuming a propriety like (compare x y =
EQ => x == y) seems like a reasonable guess. Doing it in a library
(with a warning) doesn't seems all that bad to me.

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