I was trying to get Blinn highlights working with my raytracer, and kept getting ugly artifacts. After trying a bunch of things, I finally compiled without -O2, and the artifacts went away.

Here's what I mean:

Here's the offending code, run "./make" and "./run" and you should see the artifacts if your setup is the same as mine. (Requires OpenGL.)

The artifacts also go away if I use -fvia-C. It doesn't seem to matter whether I use Floats or Doubles in the rendering code. The artifacts also show up with -O1. Have I stumbled across a known compiler bug? Or perhaps an OpenGL bug? (The bug could, of course, be in my code, but then one might expect to get the same erroneous output every time regardless of compiler flags.)

To reiterate, I'm using ghc 8.6.2.


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