
Can I have some advice on translating the attached Test1.hs into type families? My attempt at doing so is in Test1a.hs, but firstly it requires FlexibleInstances where Test1.hs didn't, and secondly it fails because it can't infer the instance for Bar (Either Int Int) whereas the fundeps version had no problems there.

(And yes, this is another cut down example of something I really want to do :-)


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}

-- This loads fine, but Test1a.hs requires FlexibleInstances and then fails to
-- infer the necessary Bar instance

module Test1 where

class Foo a b | a -> b where
   foo :: b -> a
   foo' :: a -> Int

class Bar b where
   bar :: b -> Int

instance Foo a b => Bar (Either a b) where
   bar (Left a) = foo' a
   bar (Right b) = foo' (foo b :: a)

instance Foo Int Int where
   foo = id
   foo' = id

val :: Either Int Int
val = Left 5

res :: Int
res = bar val
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}

module Test1a where

class Foo a where
   type TheFoo a
   foo :: TheFoo a -> a
   foo' :: a -> Int

class Bar b where
   bar :: b -> Int

instance Foo a => Bar (Either a (TheFoo a)) where
   bar (Left a) = foo' a
   bar (Right b) = foo' (foo b :: a)

instance Foo Int where
   type TheFoo Int = Int
   foo = id
   foo' = id

val :: Either Int Int
val = Left 5

res :: Int
res = bar val
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