The length calculation looked complicated. So I reformulated it as a comparison using HasIndex. But ghc-6.8.2 was not inferring the recursive constraint on proj, so I split proj into proj_unsafe without the constraint and proj with the constraint checked only once. I also renamed ZT to Nil to be more consistent.

-- works in ghc 6.8.2
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, EmptyDataDecls, TypeOperators #-}

data FZ
data FS a

data Fin fn where
  FZ :: Fin FZ
  FS :: Fin fn -> Fin (FS fn)

f0 = FZ
f1 = FS f0
f2 = FS f1
-- ... etc.

data Nil
data t ::: ts

infixr 4 :::

data Tuple ts where
  Nil    :: Tuple Nil
  (:::) :: t -> !(Tuple ts) -> Tuple (t ::: ts)

data HTrue

type family Lookup ts fn :: *
type instance Lookup (t ::: ts) FZ = t
type instance Lookup (t ::: ts) (FS fn) = Lookup ts fn

type family HasIndex ts fn :: *
type instance HasIndex (t ::: ts) FZ = HTrue
type instance HasIndex (t ::: ts) (FS fn) = HasIndex ts fn

{-# INLINE proj #-}
proj :: (HasIndex tsT fnT ~ HTrue) => Fin fnT -> Tuple tsT -> Lookup tsT fnT
proj = proj_unsafe  where
  proj_unsafe :: Fin fnT -> Tuple tsT -> Lookup tsT fnT
  proj_unsafe (FS fn) (_v ::: vs) = proj_unsafe fn vs
  proj_unsafe FZ      (v ::: _vs) = v
  proj_unsafe _       Nil = error "Cannot proj Nil in proj_unsafe"

fst' :: (HasIndex ts FZ ~ HTrue) => Tuple ts -> Lookup ts FZ
fst' = proj f0

snd' :: (HasIndex ts (FS FZ) ~ HTrue) => Tuple ts -> Lookup ts (FS FZ)
snd' = proj f1

pair :: Tuple (Char ::: (() ::: Nil))
pair = 'a' ::: () ::: Nil

q1 :: Char
q1 = fst' pair

q2 :: ()
q2 = snd' pair

{- This won't compile

q2 :: ()
q2 = snd' ('a' ::: Nil)

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