Okay, here are my thoughts:

On Apr 19, 2008, at 9:56 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Weird thing #1: The first time you sort the data, it takes a few seconds. The other 7 times, it takes a split second - roughly 100x faster. Wuh?

This looks like standard memoization to me. I know, I know, GHC doesn't automagically memoize… it still has some behaviors I personally would label as a sort of primitive memoization, and this is one of them.

I learned about this by losing an argument. ;)

Weird thing #2: The parallel version runs *faster* than the sequential one in all cases - even with SMP disabled! (We're only talking a few percent faster, but still.)

Weird thing #3: Adding the "-threaded" compiler option makes *everything* run a few percent faster. Even with only 1 OS thread.

I think these are not noteworthy. Weird things happen in benchmarks (which is why I have learned not to trust them).

Weird thing #4: Adding "-N2" makes *everything* slow down a few percent. In particular, Task Manager shows only one CPU core in use.

Then your algorithm must not truly be parallel. That is the only explanation I can think of.

- Jake McArthur_______________________________________________
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