
I am writing a simple compiler for a small DSL embedded in Haskell, and
am struggling to identify and remove the source of a stack error when
compiling larger examples. To understand the issues better, I was
playing around with tail recursion on trees when I came across the
following problem.

Suppose we want to count the number of leaves in a tree.  The obvious
naive (non tail-recursive) will run out of stack space quickly on larger
trees. To test this, I defined a function that generates left (gentreeL,
code below) or right (gentreeR) biased trees, that look like

       *        *
      / \      / \
     *   *    *   *
    / \          / \
   *   *        *   *
  .                  .
 .                    .
n                      n

respectively; that is, a tree of depth n, with on the right (or the
left) leaves only).  

Now, we can define define two traversals: one that has a tail call for
the left subtree, after having traversed the right (acountL, below); and
one that has a tail call for the right subtree, after having traversed
the left (acountR). 

I was expecting acountL to work on the left biased tree but not on the
right biased tree -- and that assumption turned out to be correct.
However, I was also expecting (by "duality" :) acountR to work on the
right biased tree, but not on the left biased tree, whereas in fact it
works on both! (Indeed, it works on reallybigtree3, which combines the
left and right biased trees, as well.)

Can anyone explain why this is happening? Why is acountR not running out
of stack space on the left biased tree?

Also, if this is quirk rather than something I can rely on, is there a
way to write a function that can count the number of leaves in
reallybigtree3 without running out of stack space?

Thanks (code follows),


> data Tree = Leaf Integer | Branch Tree Tree

> -- naive count 
> ncount :: Tree -> Integer
> ncount (Leaf _) = 1
> ncount (Branch t1 t2) = ncount t1 + ncount t2

> -- generate left-biased tree (right nodes are always single leaves)
> gentreeL :: Integer -> Tree
> gentreeL 0 = Leaf 0
> gentreeL n = Branch (gentreeL (n-1)) (Leaf 0) 
> -- generate right-based tree (left nodes are always single leaves)
> gentreeR :: Integer -> Tree
> gentreeR 0 = Leaf 0
> gentreeR n = Branch (Leaf 0) (gentreeR (n-1)) 
> -- test examples 
> reallybigtree1 = gentreeL 2000000 
> reallybigtree2 = gentreeR 2000000 
> reallybigtree3 = Branch (gentreeL 2000000) (gentreeR 2000000)
> -- count with tail calls for the left subtree 
> acountL :: Tree -> Integer -> Integer
> acountL (Leaf _)       acc = acc + 1
> acountL (Branch t1 t2) acc = acountL t1 $! (acountL t2 acc) 
> -- count with tail calls for the right subtree 
> acountR :: Tree -> Integer -> Integer
> acountR (Leaf _)       acc = acc + 1
> acountR (Branch t1 t2) acc = acountR t2 $! (acountL t1 acc) 
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