Hi Mario,

Is the name of the module within the Shell.hs file Main?  If not, that
could be your problem.


On Mon, 05 May 2008 09:57:15 -0400
Mario Blazevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>       I have a problem with Cabal: it doesn't seem to pick up the
> "Main-is:" option from the configuration file.
> Here's my "scc.cabal" file. Note the "Main-is:" line:
> > Name:                scc
> > Version:             0.1
> > Cabal-Version:       >= 1.2
> > Build-Type:          Simple
> > License:             GPL
> > License-file:        LICENSE.txt
> > Copyright:           (c) 2008 Mario Blazevic
> > Author:              Mario Blazevic
> > Maintainer:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Synopsis:            Streaming component combinators
> > 
> > Executable shsh
> >   Main-is:           Shell.hs
> >   Other-Modules:     Foundation, ComponentTypes, Components,
> > Combinators Build-Depends:     base, containers, process, readline,
> > parsec
> > 
> > Library
> >   Exposed-Modules:   Foundation, ComponentTypes, Components,
> > Combinators Build-Depends:     base, containers
>       And below are the outputs of Cabal configure and build
> commands. Note the absence of "--main-is" ghc command-line option.
> I'm doing this on Ubuntu 8.04 Linux, but I get the same problem with
> Gentoo. Is there something wrong with my configuration file, or is
> this a bug in Cabal?
> > ~/scc/pipe$ runhaskell Setup.lhs configure --verbose --prefix=~
> > Configuring scc-0.1...
> > Dependency base-any: using base-
> > Dependency containers-any: using containers-
> > Dependency process-any: using process-
> > Dependency readline-any: using readline-
> > Dependency parsec-any: using parsec-
> > Using compiler: ghc-6.8.2
> > Using install prefix: ~
> > Binaries installed in: ~/bin
> > Libraries installed in: ~/lib/scc-0.1/ghc-6.8.2
> > Private binaries installed in: ~/libexec
> > Data files installed in: ~/share/scc-0.1
> > Documentation installed in: ~/share/doc/scc-0.1
> > No alex found
> > Using ar found on system at: /usr/bin/ar
> > No c2hs found
> > No cpphs found
> > No ffihugs found
> > Using ghc version 6.8.2 found on system at: /usr/bin/ghc
> > Using ghc-pkg version 6.8.2 found on system at: /usr/bin/ghc-pkg
> > No greencard found
> > Using haddock version 0.8 found on system at: /usr/bin/haddock
> > No happy found
> > No hmake found
> > Using hsc2hs version 0.66-ghc found on system at: /usr/bin/hsc2hs
> > No hscolour found
> > No hugs found
> > No jhc found
> > Using ld found on system at: /usr/bin/ld
> > No nhc98 found
> > No pfesetup found
> > Using pkg-config version 0.22 found on system
> > at: /usr/bin/pkg-config Using ranlib found on system
> > at: /usr/bin/ranlib Using tar found on system at: /bin/tar
> > 
> > ~/scc/pipe$ runhaskell Setup.lhs build --verbose
> > Creating dist/build (and its parents)
> > Creating dist/build/autogen (and its parents)
> > Preprocessing library scc-0.1...
> > Preprocessing executables for scc-0.1...
> > Building scc-0.1...
> > Building library...
> > Creating dist/build (and its parents)
> > Creating dist/build (and its parents)
> > /usr/bin/ghc -package-name scc-0.1 --make -hide-all-packages -i 
> > -idist/build/autogen -idist/build -i. -Idist/build -odir dist/build 
> > -hidir dist/build -stubdir dist/build -package base-
> > -package containers- -package process- -package
> > readline- -package parsec- -O Foundation
> > ComponentTypes Components Combinators [1 of 4] Compiling
> > Foundation       ( Foundation.hs, dist/build/Foundation.o )
> > [2 of 4] Compiling ComponentTypes   ( ComponentTypes.hs, 
> > dist/build/ComponentTypes.o )
> > [3 of 4] Compiling Components       ( Components.hs, 
> > dist/build/Components.o )
> > [4 of 4] Compiling Combinators      ( Combinators.hs, 
> > dist/build/Combinators.o )
> > Linking...
> > /usr/bin/ar q dist/build/libHSscc-0.1.a dist/build/Foundation.o 
> > dist/build/ComponentTypes.o dist/build/Components.o
> > dist/build/Combinators.o /usr/bin/ar: creating
> > dist/build/libHSscc-0.1.a /usr/bin/ld -x -r -o
> > dist/build/HSscc-0.1.o.tmp dist/build/Foundation.o
> > dist/build/ComponentTypes.o dist/build/Components.o
> > dist/build/Combinators.o Building executable: shsh... Creating
> > dist/build/shsh (and its parents) Creating dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp
> > (and its parents) Creating dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp (and its
> > parents) /usr/bin/ghc -o dist/build/shsh/shsh --make
> > -hide-all-packages -i -idist/build/autogen
> > -idist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp -i. -Idist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp -odir
> > dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp -hidir dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp -stubdir
> > dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp -package base- -package
> > containers- -package process- -package
> > readline- -package parsec- -O ./Shell.hs [1 of 5]
> > Compiling Foundation       ( Foundation.hs,
> > dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp/Foundation.o ) [2 of 5] Compiling
> > ComponentTypes   ( ComponentTypes.hs,
> > dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp/ComponentTypes.o ) [3 of 5] Compiling
> > Components       ( Components.hs,
> > dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp/Components.o ) [4 of 5] Compiling
> > Combinators      ( Combinators.hs,
> > dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp/Combinators.o ) [5 of 5] Compiling
> > Shell            ( ./Shell.hs, dist/build/shsh/shsh-tmp/Shell.o )
> > Warning: output was redirected with -o, but no output will be
> > generated because there is no Main module.
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