Thanks a lot for your answer, it was exactly what I was looking for.

Just for the record, based on your solution I can now easily code a
function to check if a Data value belongs to an enumerated algebraic
type (as I defined it in my first mail).

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Data.Generics

newtype Arity a = Arity Int
 deriving (Show, Eq)

consArity :: Data a => Constr -> Arity a
consArity = gunfold  (\(Arity n) -> Arity (n+1)) (\_ -> Arity 0)

belongs2EnumAlg :: forall a . Data a => a -> Bool
belongs2EnumAlg a = case (dataTypeRep.dataTypeOf) a of
  AlgRep cons -> all (\c -> consArity c == ((Arity 0) :: Arity a )) cons
  _ -> False

--  tests
data Colors = Blue | Green | Red
 deriving (Data, Typeable)

test1 = belongs2EnumAlg 'a' -- False
test2 = belongs2EnumAlg Red -- True
test3 = belongs2EnumAlg "a" -- False

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 7:42 PM, Edward Kmett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Alfonso Acosta
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  | So, the question is. Is there a way to figure out the arity of data
>  | constructors using Data.Generics ?
>  | I'm totally new to generics, but (tell me if I'm wrong) it seems that
>  | Constr doesn't hold any information about the data-constructor
>  | arguments. Why is it so?
>  Hmrmm,
>  Playing around with it, I was able to abuse gunfold and the reader
>  comonad to answer the problem :
>  fst $ (gunfold (\(i,_) -> (i+1,undefined)) (\r -> (0,r)) (toConstr
>  "Hello") :: (Int,String))
>  returns 2, the arity of (:), the outermost constructor in "Hello"
>  A longer version which does not depend on undefined would be to take
>  and define a functor that discarded its contents like:
>  > module Args where
>  > import Data.Generics
>  > newtype Args a = Args { runArgs :: Int } deriving (Read,Show)
>  > tick :: Args (b -> r) -> Args r
>  > tick (Args i) = Args (i + 1)
>  > tock = const (Args 0)
>  > argsInCons = runArgs $ (gunfold tick tock (toConstr "Hello") :: (Args 
> String)
>  Basically all I do is rely on the fact that gunfold takes the 'tick'
>  argument and calls it repeatedly for each argument after a 'tock' base
>  case.
>  The use of the reader comonad or functor is to give gunfold a
>  'functor-like' argument to meet its type signature.
>  -Edward Kmett
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