Brent Yorgey wrote:

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:02 AM, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    While I'm here - I'm aware of how you control importing [or not]
    from the Prelude. Is there a way that I can, for example, import
    all the stuff like the basic types, classes, etc., but *not* all
    the list-related stuff? Or is the Prelude not that modular?

Not only is the Prelude not that modular, there's not really any mechanism to make it so. There's no way to partition an export list in such a way that whole chunks of it can be imported/not imported at a go. Would that be a nice feature? I don't know, possibly.

Well, if the Prelude was split into several seperate modules, you could import just the modules you wanted. That sounds pretty easy to me. [I mean, apart from the minor detail that no current implementation works this way...]

By default, if you don't ask for anything, your module automatically imports "Prelude". What if we made Prelude a module that just imports and re-exports several other modules - Prelude.Types, Prelude.Classes, Prelude.List (or rather, a subset of Data.List). Then if a module imports Prelude, or anything under Prelude, it turns off the automatic import, similar to the current system.

Of course, I guess all this isn't likely to happen any time soon... I'm just throwing ideas out there.

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