darcs 2:        darcs get --lazy

After much delay, I'm happy to announce Roguestar 0.2.

Roguestar is a science fiction themed roguelike (turn-based, chessboard-tiled, role playing) game written in Haskell. Roguestar uses OpenGL for graphics. This is still a very early release and several important things don't work.

This initial release allows you to play one of six alien races. You begin the game stranded on an alien planet, fighting off an endless hoard of hostile robots.

RSAGL, the RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library, includes a domain-specific monad for 3D modelling of arbitrary parametric surfaces, as well as an animation monad and arrow, which is more or less like YAMPA as a stack of arrow transformers. RSAGL was specifically designed for roguestar, but every effort has been made (including the license) to make it accessable to other projects that might benefit from it. Performance is an issue, but there is a lot of low-hanging fruit in this area.

Roguestar is released under the Affero General Public License version 3. However, RSAGL uses a permissive license.

I would be absolutely thrilled to receive any feedback anyone may have on the design and aesthetics of the game, especially in the form of source code.

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