Salvatore Insalaco wrote:
I've got some time to take a look at the code. It's very nice,
readable and declarative, but obviously not optimized for "raw speed".
There're a few things to do to have a speed-up of 2x, without going "low-level".

You have my individed attention...

1) There's a lazyness leak in Pad.hs. The sum in:
          else make_block_bs bs0 : work (n + block_size_bytes) bs1
is not strict. With a very large file (e.g. 100 mb) it means stack overflow.

Oops! Well spotted...

To solve it just add a bang (!) before the n parameter:

    work !n bs =

You've got to add {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} at the top of the file
too. There're solutions that don't imply BangPatterns, and use only
seq, but I like bang patterns!

Ah, so *that's* what bang patterns do?

2) make_block_bs is sub-optimal, and very critical to performance.

Yeah, so I see. (60% time spent here... ouch!) I'll bet that's where C is beating me...

I decided to use Data.Binary for it

I'm not familiar with that library (i.e. what it does or how you use it).

import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Control.Monad

// ...

instance Binary Block where
    put _ = undefined
    get = do
        xs <- replicateM 16 getWord32le
        return $ Block $ listArray (0, 15) xs

make_block_bs :: B.ByteString -> Block
make_block_bs = decode

Mmm, OK. Doesn't look too bad...

3) You are doing a lot of access to fields of a strict data type
(State). You can at least ask the compiler to help you a bit with

I did try that, but it didn't seem to make any difference for me. [Maybe it does now because of your other improvements? Which version of GHC and which platform are you running on? I'm GHC 6.8.2 on Windows...]

We have got a good, nearly 2x, speed-up with very few optimizations,
and we run in a very small constant amount of memory.

I'm liking the sound of that. :-D

Probably compiling with -fvia-C could help even more

...oh yeah, that's no longer default for -O2. I forgot about that!

but strangely:

Segmentation fault

Is this supposed to happen? There're no "unsafe" functions or imports
used in the program. Maybe a bug in GHC?

GAH! o_O That's not good(tm)...

Any chance you could email me a Darcs patch (or 2 seperate ones?) I'll add it to the repo on my website, and test to see what numbers I get on my PC.

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