Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > What I need is basically one view of the data as list of used
> > chords, and one graph of all possible time-linear progressions...
> > that is, voices, for a definition of "voice" that makes the
> > guitarist in me shudder.
> > 
> > Seems like I'm going to make close acquaintance with fgl, after all.
> Sorry if this is too far off-topic but have you seen this?
For the cafe, yes. Follow up to gmane.comp.lang.haskell.backstage,
please ;)

> I’ve yet to dig into the paper but it looks kind of fun.
It looks... mathematical. It also looks strikingly right, I just spend
a good quarter hour staring at the diagram and currently try to
convince my visualisation that the geometry is possible. The key points
to look out for are the diagonal lines featuring the same numbers,
vertical lines featuring series and where (_,n) changes into (n,_), to
get the mind accept the möbiusness.

I could show you why it's mirrored and twisted around the tritone using
a guitar and gnuplot, but I won't spoil the fun. Just observe that you
can easily play a flageolet on the 5th, 7th and 12th fret but not on the
6th. Western music is defined by fifth and fourths. It's all wave
mechanics, especially this darn problem of merging a linear scale to a
logarithmic one and trying to make sense while doing such an insane

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~ Open your ears and your mind will follow. ~
> ~            - -           ~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You listen too much Stockhausen.

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