Duncan Coutts wrote:
Right. That's exactly why we've not done something like that. With 100+
modules in the Gtk package it's totally infeasible to do qualified
imports of them all.

If we get a proper way to export a non-flat namespace then Gtk2Hs will
certainly switch to using it. Using 'buttonBlah' is horrible but there
is currently nothing better.

okay, it's horrible! It's no more manually-traceable than anything else either, if you just import Gtk2Hs unqualified. Is there any way it could possibly be acceptably concise *and* traceable? let's see

If "GTK" appears in every usage (e.g. GTK.buttonBlah, gtkButtonBlah...), probably not at all concise enough for GUI code! But if it doesn't, then we would need at minimum to list each of those ones that we used (probably not all 100 of them). It couldn't get any more concise than this to use Button.blah etc.:

import GTK.modules (Button, Window, ...)

never mind the exact syntax yet -- is listing them acceptable? (and if there are so many, is it practically traceable by humans anyway? Perhaps we're assuming that these humans at least have "search this file" editor-capabilities?)

Are there multiple "blah" functions among the GTK modules? I.e. would GTK.blah be unambiguous, not mentioning that it's a button function. (And would it be too confusing not to mention that it's a button function...) If it would be ambiguous, would typeclasses work to fix that (or renaming functions that have no good reason to have the same name, or occasionally including blahButton sort of names)?

If 100 modules is too much, would it be a reasonable compromise between clarity and conciseness to export coarser-grained, so there are only maybe half a dozen GTK modules that your typical program imports?

There have been a few suggestions along these lines. Check the archives.
I'm not sure what is proposed for haskell', probably nothing since
nothing is currently implemented and we're only supposed to be
standardising existing practise.

I had trouble in my first attempt to search the archives... Googling for "import" in haskell-cafe found too much code, and my personal e-mail records back to March 2007 found nothing else relevant with "import" in the title.

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