I just upgraded to ghc-6.8.3, using a linux binary, and I am having a
problem compiling Haddock.  Haddock 2.1.0 and Haddock both
fail to build under ghc-6.8.3, but they both build successfully with
ghc-6.8.2.  I don't know if this is a Haddock problem, or a GHC
problem, or perhaps something else entirely?

Here is the error I'm getting.  It is the same error for either
version of Haddock.

[15 of 24] Compiling Haddock.GHC.Typecheck (
dist/build/haddock/haddock-tmp/Haddock/GHC/Typecheck.o )

    Constructor `HsModule' should have 7 arguments, but has been given 8
    In the pattern: HsModule _ _ _ _ _ mbOpts _ _
    In a pattern binding: HsModule _ _ _ _ _ mbOpts _ _ = unLoc parsed
    In the definition of `mkGhcModule':
        mkGhcModule (mod, file, checkedMod) dynflags
                      = GhcModule
                          {ghcModule = mod, ghcFilename = file,
ghcMbDocOpts = mbOpts,
                           ghcHaddockModInfo = info, ghcMbDoc = mbDoc,
ghcGroup = group,
                           ghcMbExports = mbExports,
                           ghcExportedNames = modInfoExports modInfo,
                           ghcNamesInScope = fromJust $
modInfoTopLevelScope modInfo,
                           ghcInstances = modInfoInstances modInfo}
                          HsModule _ _ _ _ _ mbOpts _ _ = unLoc parsed
                          (group, _, mbExports, mbDoc, info) = renamed
                          (parsed, renamed, _, modInfo) = checkedMod
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