GHC gives the error:

   Couldn't match expected type `T f1 f1 a'
          against inferred type `T f f a'
   In the expression: blah x
   In the definition of `wrapper': wrapper x = blah x

actually, GHC gives me "could not deduce Blah f a from Blah f1 a"
first. It seems that desugaring type function notation into an additional
constraint helps, so there's something odd going on:

   class Blah f a where blah :: a -> T f f a
   class A f where type T f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *

   wrapper :: forall a f tf . (Blah f a,T f~tf) => a -> tf f a
   wrapper x = blah x

You're relying on that second f to determine the first, which
then allows T f to determine tf f a. Looks a bit like cyclic
programming at the type level?-) Whereas the desugared
view is that we may not know the type constructor tf yet,
but whatever it is, its first parameter fixes f.

Yet another take on it: tf, the result of T f f a, needs to be
determined by the context, rather than the type function,
and type functions are traditionally bad at reasoning backwards. The extra indirection separates determining
f from applying T f.

I think I'd prefer if that naive desugaring of type function
always worked, without such differences.

Worth a ticket?

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