This is the classic "exception embedded in pure value" problem with
lazy languages.  There's no need for the "a" returned by "return" to
be evaluated.

Even using "seq" isn't quite good enough:

> boom2 = [1 `div` 0]

ghci> doTinIO (boom2 `seq` return boom2)
Right [*** Exception: divide by zero

If you want to guarantee that all embedded exceptions have been
excised from a pure value, you need something like deepSeq; see

  -- ryan

On 7/7/08, Tim Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The file below models a problem I have been trying to figure out.
> This file simplifies my original code, while still illustrating
> the problem.
> > import Prelude hiding (catch)
> > import Control.Monad.Reader
> > import Control.Monad.Error
> > import Control.Exception
> > import System.IO(readFile)
> > import Data.Either(either)
> Our monad transformer is an ErrorT which wraps the IO monad.
> ErrorT allows us to use throwError, but we won't use it in this example.
> > type T a = ErrorT String IO a
> The following runs a (T a) in the context of the IO monad.
> We wrap runErrorT in try so as to catch things like division
> by zero and what not.
> > doTinIO :: T a -> IO (Either String a)
> > doTinIO ta = do
> >  exesa <- try (runErrorT ta) -- IO (Either Exception (Either String a))
> >  return $ case exesa  of
> >    Left  x   -> Left ("EX: "++(show x))
> >    Right esa -> esa
> >
> > boom = 1 `div` 0
> > b1 = return boom :: T Int
> > bad = doTinIO b1
> The above, bad, results in:
>   Right *** Exception: divide by zero
> My hope was to get
>   Left "EX: divide by zero"
> I cannot understand why the `try' does not get a chance at the
> erroneous calculation. That is, I want the try to catch
> the runtime exception.
> Indeed, if the IO computation is strictly computed, I  get
> the proper result.
> > g1 = boom `seq` (return boom :: T Int)
> > good = doTinIO g1
> Stuff that raises exceptions in IO actions does not work either.
> > g2 = doTinIO (return boom)
> Results in: ``Right *** Exception: divide by zero''
> However, other actions that do raise errors work correctly.
> It appears the value of the computation must be used
> as the next two examples show.
> > g3 = doTinIO (liftIO (readFile "nonexistent"))
> > g4 = doTinIO (liftIO (print boom))
> My problem is that I control `doTinIO', but someone else provides
> the computation (T a). I cannot force callers to strictly evaluate
> their computations.
> I've tried three other variants (given below) that are all
> nearly equivalent.
> > handler :: Exception -> IO (Either String a)
> > handler = return . Left . ("EX: "++) . show
> >
> > doTinIO2 :: T a -> IO (Either String a)
> > doTinIO2 ta = catch (runErrorT ta >>= evaluate) handler
> >
> > doTinIO3 :: T a -> IO (Either String a)
> > doTinIO3 ta = do
> >  esa <- catch (runErrorT ta) handler
> >  case esa of
> >    Right a -> catch (evaluate (return a)) handler
> >    l -> return l
> >
> > doTinIO4 :: T a -> IO (Either String a)
> > doTinIO4 ta = catch (runErrorT ta) handler
> *Main> doTinIO2 b1
> Right *** Exception: divide by zero
> *Main> doTinIO3 b1
> Right *** Exception: divide by zero
> *Main> doTinIO4 b1
> Right *** Exception: divide by zero
> Any suggestions? Thanks all.
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