On Wed, 9 Jul 2008, Neil Mitchell wrote:

It seems that the qualified import syntax is a bit awkward. At the
moment, its common to see:

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map(Map)

i.e. import a module, give it an alias (M), and put some things in the
current namespace (Map).

Another way some people sometimes do it is:

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map hiding (lookup)

i.e. import a module, give it an alias (M), and exclude some things
from the current namespace.

Both of these require two imports, yet feel like they should require
only one. It seems as though the import syntax more naturally promotes
security (preventing access to some functions), rather than

I think a better design for namespacing might be:

import Data.Map as M implicit (Map)
import Data.Map as M explicit (lookup)

Why 'implicit' and 'explicit'? Do you mean something like 'include' and 'exclude'?
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