TokenParser seems to pose more problems than it solves. I think it is usually easier to define your own scanner and avoid the necessary Haskell language extensions used there. (Surely parts of the code from
TokenParser can be copied.)

Cheers Christian

John Ky wrote:

TokenParser supports two kinds of comments, the multi-line comments (ie. {- -}) and the single line comments (ie. -- \n).

The language I am trying to parse, however, has comments which are neither. The -- acts like a single line comment which extends to the end of the line usually, but can also be truncated to before the end of the line by another --. For example:

  noncomment -- comment comment
noncomment -- comment comment -- noncomment noncomment -- comment -- noncomment

I haven't been able to get the TokenParser to work with this style of comment. The best I could do was copy the whole Token module and modify the code:

data LanguageDef st = LanguageDef
    {      {- snip -}
    *, commentLine    :: String*
           {- snip -}

           {- snip -}

makeTokenParser languageDef
    = TokenParser{   {- snip -}   }
           {- snip -}
| noLine && noMulti = skipMany (simpleSpace *<|> customComment* <?> "") | noLine = skipMany (simpleSpace *<|> customComment* <|> multiLineComment <?> "") | noMulti = skipMany (simpleSpace *<|> customComment* <|> oneLineComment <?> "") | otherwise = skipMany (simpleSpace *<|> customComment* <|> oneLineComment <|> multiLineComment <?> "")
          noLine  = null (commentLine languageDef)
          noMulti = null (commentStart languageDef)
      *customComment =
        do{commentCustom languageDef

Then I put my specialised comment parser in the customComment field:

languageDef = TOKEN.LanguageDef
   {        {- snip -}
   , TOKEN.commentCustom = customComment
            {- snip -}
      customComment = do
         string "--"
         return ()

      untilLineCommentEnd = do
         c <- manyTill anyChar (string "\n" <|> try (string "--"))
         return ()

Anyone know of a way I could reuse the TokenParser code rather than copy and tweaking it?




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