currently i'm working on stuff that looks something like this:

1 read soundfile from disk in blocks of N samples (IOCArray, hsndfile package)
2 convert to CArray with unsafeFreeze (simple O(1) cast, carray package)
3 perform FFT (CArray, fftw package)
4 convert to UArr (uvector package)
5 do some stuff with vectors

i'd like to minimize copying, and since the FFT returns a new array anyway, the only copying conversion is the one between CArray and UArr in step 4. the approach i've been following is defining a `stream' conversion for CArray, hoping that subsequent carray accesses will be fused with uvector operations without the need for allocating a vector in between. does that make sense? could this be a general strategy for avoiding copying at the boundary between the various array libraries?


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