| > I myselft  don't understand why GHCi doesn't accept the type it
| >  infered as an explicit signature ...

I've known about this confusing behavior for some time, and the design goal 
that the compiler should not infer a type that it can't check seems Clearly 
Right.  Stupidly, though, I had not previously realized that it's all a 
consequence of GHC's rather relaxed approach to ambiguity.  Here's a little 
section from a some notes I'm working on that may clarify.  Bottom line: I 
intend to change GHC (I hope for 6.10) so that if a definition gets an inferred 
type that could not appear as a type signature, the definition will be rejected 
as ambiguous.

Comments welcome.  (Do cc me since I no longer guarantee to read all of the 
wisdom of Haskell Café.)


Consider this
  class C a b where
    op :: b -> a -> a

  instance C [a] b
    op _ x = x

  instance Ord b => C (Maybe a) b
    op _ x = x

  f x = op undefined x
GHC currently infers the type
  f :: C a b => a -> a
Despite the fact that @b@ is not mentioned after the @=>@, nor is
there a functional dependency, @f@ can be called unambiguously, thus
  f [True]
This call gives rise to the constraint @(C [Bool] b)@, for some undetermined
type @b@, and the instance declaration fires happily.  However, the call
@(f Nothing)@ will give the constraint @(Ord b)@, which cannot be discharged
without knowing @[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Some calls are ambiguous and some are not.  
defers this choice to the caller, unless it can readily see that every
call will be ambiguous.

However, this relaxed approach has a big disadvantage: \emph{you cannot
write a type signature for @[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  f :: C a c => a -> a
  f x = op undefined x
Now GHC has no way to prove that the given constraint @(C a c)@
proves the wanted constraint @(C a b)@, using plain syntactic matching.

So we propose the following:
\item Every inferred type (and every type written by the programmer)
must be unambiguous.
\item A type $\forall \overline{a}.C \Rightarrow \rho$ is unambiguous iff
from $C$ we can deduce $C[\overline{b'/b}]$ where $\overline{b} = \overline{a} 
\setminus fv(\rho)$,
and $\overline{b'}$ are fresh.  That is, freshen the variables in $C$ that
are not mentioned in the type $\rho$, and check that you can can deduce
the freshened $C'$ from $C$.
This would reject the definition @f@, either with or without a type

| -----Original Message-----
| From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:haskell-cafe-
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pablo Nogueira
| Sent: 08 July 2008 09:03
| To: Alfonso Acosta
| Cc: Haskell-Cafe
| Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] A type signature inferred by GHCi that is
| rejected when written explicitly
| > I myselft  don't understand why GHCi doesn't accept the type it
| >  infered as an explicit signature ...
| I think it has to do with the following:
| Looking at the type errors, they seem to indicate that the type
| checker is being general and does not assume the |From| and |To|
| "relations" are between
| a type |t| and (s (t x) x)| but, in general, between |t| and |s (t' x) x|.
| Given that
| from   :: (From a1 c1 x) => a1 x -> c1 x
|  to     :: (To   a2 c2 y) => c2 y -> a2 y
| bimap  :: Bifunctor s => (t1 -> t3) -> (t2 -> t4) -> s t1 t2 -> s t3 t4
| During type checking the following equations spring up:
| c2 y   = s t3 t4
| c1 x   =  s t1 t2
| t2       = x
| t4       = y
| t1       = a1 x
| t3       = a2 y
| That'd give the same type as that inferred, but somehow new variables
| |a11| and |a12| appear.
| >  caused by a lack of functional dependencies.
| >  class From a c x | a -> c where
| > class To a c y | c -> a where
| > ... hushes GHCi. The question now is, of course, if the new
| >  dependencies are too restrictive for your problem.
| They are of little avail given the instances I define:
|  instance Bifunctor s => From (Fix s) (s (Fix s x)) x where
|      from = out
|  instance Bifunctor s => To (Fix s) (s (Fix s y)) y where
|      to   = In
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