Am Montag, 25. August 2008 18:08 schrieb Andrew U. Frank:
> i tried to install wxGeneric and need syb-with-class.
> i got the package from hackage.
> configure runs fine, but when i build i get:
> Data/Generics/SYB/WithClass/Instances.hs:11:7:
>     Could not find module `Data.Array':
>       it is a member of package array-, which is hidden
> but array- is installed, as shown later.
> what can be wrong? why is an installed package complained about as
> hidden?
> thanks for help!
> andrew

Probably an old .cabal file where array is not yet listed among the 
build-depends. Cabal hides all packages not listed there when building. Try 
adding array to that list and building again (the same may be necessary for 
some other packages which were split off base).

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