On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 10:00 +0100, Adrian Hey wrote:
> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
>  > I don't don't think global variables should be banned, I just think
>  > they should be severly discouraged.
> If you're saying a language should not provide a sound way to do
> this (as I believe you are), then AFAICT for all practical purposes
> you *are* saying you think global variables should be banned.
> Where are we going to be if the unsafePerformIO hack ever becomes
> *really* unsafe?
> and..
> > I'm certain you can write a kernel in Haskell where the only use of
> > global variables is those that hardware interfacing forces you to use.
> But what you haven't explained is why this is even desirable? I don't
> doubt it's true in an academic sense if you don't mind sacrificing
> safety 

What `safety' is being sacrificed?

> and modularity.

What modularity?


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