Adrian Hey wrote:
There's shed loads of information and semantic subtleties about pretty
much any operation you care to think of in the IO monad that isn't
communicated by it's type. All you know for sure is that it's weird,
because if it wasn't it wouldn't be in the IO monad.

So I think you're applying double standards.

Not to throw any more fuel on the fire (if at all possible), but the reason behind this is that IO has become a sin bin for all the things that people either don't know how to deal with, or don't care enough to tease apart. There are many people who would like to break IO apart into separate segments for all the different fragments of the RealWorld that actually matter for a given purpose. To date it has not been entirely clear how best to do this and retain a workable language.

The fact that this discussion is going on at all is, IMO, precisely because of the sin-bin nature of IO. People have things they want to have "global" or otherwise arbitrarily large scope, but the only notion of a globe in Haskell is the RealWorld. Hence they throw things into IO and then unsafePerformIO it to get it back out. There are three problems to this approach:

(1) It's a hack and not guaranteed to work, nuff said.

(2) The RealWorld is insufficiently described to ensure any semantics regarding *how* it holds onto the state requested of it. This problem manifests itself in the discussion of loading the same library multiple times, having multiple RTSes in a single OS process, etc. In those scenarios what exactly the "RealWorld" is and how the baton is passed among the different libraries/threads/processes/RTSes is not clearly specified.

(3) The API language is insufficiently detailed to make demands on what the RealWorld holds. This problem manifests itself in the argument about whether libraries should be allowed to implicitly modify portions of the RealWorld, or whether this requirement should be made clear in the type signatures of the library.

As I said in the thread on [Research language vs. professional language], I think coming up with a solution to this issue is still an open research problem, and one I think Haskell should be exploring.

The ACIO monad has a number of nice properties and I think it should be broken out from IO even if top-level <- aren't added to the language. The ability to declare certain FFI calls as ACIO rather than IO is, I think, reason enough to pursue ACIO on its own. But, ACIO does not solve the dilemmas raised in #2 and #3. Top-level mutable state is only a symptom of the real problem that IO and the RealWorld are insufficiently described.

Another example where unsafePerformIO is used often is when doing RTS introspection. Frequently, interrogating the RTS has ACIO-like properties in that we are only interested in the RTS if a particular thunk happens to get pulled on, and we're only interested at the time that the pulling occurs rather than in sequence to any other actions. The use of unsafePerformIO here seems fraught with all the same problems as top-level mutable state. It would be nice to break out an RTS monad (or an UnsafeGhcRTS monad, or what have you) in order to be more clear about the exact requirements of what's going on.

But even if we break ACIO and UnsafeGhcRTS out from IO, the dilemmas remain. To a certain extent, the dilemmas will always remain because there will always be a frontier beyond which we don't know what's happening: the real world exists, afterall. However, there is still room to hope for a general approach to the problem.

One potential is to follow on the coattails of _Data Types a la Carte_. Consider, for example, if the language provided a mechanism for users to generate RealWorld-like non-existent tokens. Now consider removing IO[1] and only using BS, where the thread-state parameter could be any (co)product of RealWorld-like tokens. We could then have an overloaded function to lift any (BS a) into a BS (a :+: b). There are some complications with DTalC's coproducts in practice. For example, (a :+: b) and (b :+: a) aren't considered the same type, as naturally they can't be due to the Inl/Inr tagging. A similar approach should be able to work however, since these tokens don't really exist at all.

Of course, once we take things to that level we're already skirting around capability systems. Rather than using an ad-hoc approach like this, I think it would be better to work out a theory connecting capability systems to monad combinators, and then use that theory to smash the sin bin of IO.

[1] Or leaving it in as a type alias for BS RealWorld.

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