Ryan Ingram wrote:
module Prob where
import qualified Data.Map as M

newtype Prob p a = Prob { runProb :: [(a,p)] }

combine :: (Num p, Ord a) => Prob p a -> Prob p a
combine m = Prob $
    M.assocs $
    foldl' (flip $ uncurry $ M.insertWith (+)) M.empty $
    runProb m

Do you see it?  All those "M." just seem dirty to me, especially
because the compiler should be able to deduce them from the types of
the arguments.

May I humbly suggest a much simpler solution to your problem: if an identifier is ambiguous, the compiler will use the last import. So, in your example, the compiler will assume that any instance of empty is Data.Map.empty

Some means of using an imported module as the default namespace, and requiring 
the Prelude to be qualified, may also help.

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