Welcome to the community!

I've added details about Gamr7 to the industry page,


-- Don

> We (Gamr7, see at the bottom) are looking from a senior dev/Technical 
> director.
> We don't really care about the title but we want someone good (who 
> doesn't ?).
> We need someone able to model *and* code well (No architect who never 
> codes).
> The ability to communicate well with a team is also a big plus.
> You don't need to speak French (we are in France) but a reasonably good 
> English is mandatory.
> If You :
> • like coding 4+ hours straight.
> • like to solve a coding problem elegantly (and are bothered if can't)
> • like and read *real* CS books (SICP, EGB, TAOCP, etc...)
> • code in Haskell, python and c++.
> • are a gamer (this one is optional)
> • are interested in computer graphics (optional too)
> You fit the bill. We would like to talk to you. Contact us (contact at 
> gamr7 dot com).
> What we offer:
> • interesting problems and creative freedom
> • quality of life (no overtime, sunny countryside, French food and low 
> rent)
> • a pay in Euros
> • comfortable workplace, etc...
> • coding in Haskell, python.
> The boss *really * codes . He likes Haskell, Python, Reddit, and wants 
> the team to be there for the long run (i.e happy).
> He also modestly wrote and posted this jobs offer.
> About :
> Gamr7 is a startup focused on procedural city generation for the game 
> and simulation market.
> We are located in France, near Lyon.
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> lionel Barret de Nazaris,
> Gamr7 Founder & CTO
> =========================
> Gamr7 : Cities for Games
> http://www.gamr7.com
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