On 2008 Sep 10, at 17:51, Duncan Coutts wrote:
dependent packages don't get confused when it's re-released. If we're
considering modifying hackage's versioning, we should probably decide
if we want/need this now instead of having to add it in later when
something major goes *boom*.

We've thought about this and we think we do not need epoch numbers since
we're in the lucky position of doing the upstream versioning.

Are we? I think the package author has final say if a package needs to be backed off, and any packages released between the rollback and the next release with dependencies on the backed-off package will be problematic, no matter how draconian hackage's version checking is. (This is a different situation from datecode versions as in the trac ticket.)

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university    KF8NH

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