On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Andrea Rossato
> Hello,
> I'm happy to announce the first release of citeproc-hs, a Haskell
> implementation of the Citation Style Language.
> citeproc-hs adds to Pandoc, the famous Haskell text processing tool, a
> Bibtex like citation and bibliographic formatting and generation
> facility.
> John MacFarlane, the author of Pandoc, has been very supportive of the
> project and provided a lot of useful feed back, comments and
> suggestions.
> Hope you'll enjoy,
> Andrea Rossato

Hi Andrea. So I was looking at the README. Does citeproc-hs only
support adding refs from a .xml file when one's written in Pandoc
markdown? That is, I don't see how I could take a .lhs file and a .bib
file and produce one of the Pandoc-supported outputs. In particular,
I'd really like to be able to go .lhs -> .wiki, with refs; this would
let me convert The Monad Reader articles for haskell.org.

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