I finally came up with a solution that suits my context. For those interested, I'm supplying it here.

Safely get a surface containing your .png image (note that the surface has to be freed when you're done with it using surfaceFinish)

imageSurfaceCreateFromPNG :: FilePath -> IO Surface
imageSurfaceCreateFromPNG file =
    withImageSurfaceFromPNG file $ \png -> do
        w <- renderWith png $ imageSurfaceGetWidth png
        h <- renderWith png $ imageSurfaceGetHeight png
        surf <- createImageSurface FormatRGB24 w h
        renderWith surf $ do
            setSourceSurface png 0 0
        return surf

Now the unsafe part (hack until I have an associative list storing my images to pull into relevant pages for rendering):

unsafeLoadPNG file = unsafePerformIO $ imageSurfaceCreateFromPNG file

This allows drawing an image directly in a Render () context:

paintImage :: FilePath -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
paintImage file x y = do
    surf <- return $ unsafeLoadPNG file
    setSourceSurface surf x y

Looking at this irc log from 2005:
someone's had this problem before, and although they did not show their solution, I think it might've been similar to mine.

Hope this helps the next person to get stuck.


Rafal Kolanski.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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