On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 10:49 +0200, Achim Schneider wrote:
> % cabal update
> Downloading package list from server
> 'http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive'
> % cabal install pureMD5
> All requested packages already installed. Nothing to do.
> % cabal install pureMD5-0.2.4
> Downloading 'pureMD5-0.2.4'...
> [...]

The latest released cabal-install does what you want here.

$ cabal install cabal-install

> Well, I might be spoiled by portage but shouldn't there be a thing like
> cabal upgrade pureMD5

That also works in the latest version.


$ cabal install foo
$ cabal upgrade foo

both mean to get the latest 'foo'.

The difference between install and upgrade is whether the dependencies
are also upgraded or not. In Gentoo they call this 'deep' upgrades.

> and
> cabal upgrade --all

We write that as just

$ cabal upgrade


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