Antoine Latter wrote:
Sure!  Using type-families:

class Container c where
   type Elem c
   insert :: Elem c -> c -> c

instance Container [a] where
   type Elem [a] = a
   insert = (:)

instance Container ByteString where
   type Elem ByteString = Word8
   insert = BS.cons

instance Ord a => Container (Set a) where
   type Elem (Set a) = a
   insert = Set.insert

That's more or less how I was hoping it works. (Was unsure of the actual syntax, and the documentation is rather terse.)

So there's a class called Container that has a _type_ that is _associated_ with it, representing the type of the elements? And you can set that type to be either a type variable or an explicit type?

Now the hard part is coming up with a proper API and class hierarchy.

So... exactly like in every OOP language in existence then? ;-)

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