Benjamin L.Russell wrote:
On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 19:54:17 +0200, Adrian Neumann

I often wonder how many cuts you need to divide a steak in n pieces. You can obviously get n pieces with (sqrt n) cuts by cutting a grid. But I'm sure some smart mathematician thought of a (log n) way.

Good thing that the chocolate slab was only 2 kg and of finite length.
Had it been of infinite length, we would need Dedekind cuts to
partition it.... ;)

You know, it's interesting... I posted this in another forum, and people just said "dude, why would you try to eat a whole 2 Kg of chocolate? That's really unhealthy." I post the same thing here and now people are arguing about Dedekind cuts... da HELL?! o_O

An interesting dichotomy of perspectives, don't you think?

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