I would think there is a command you can embed in the .ghci file that
would automate the loading of the object files. But I didn't see one
on a quick scan of the manual:

-Corey O'Connor

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Emil Axelsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm making my first attempt at using some C code in my Haskell program. I
> need it because I have a large amount of small constant tables, and GHC
> takes ages to compile the if I use ordinary lists (and the object file gets
> huge). If there's any way of achieving this without going to C, I'd be
> interested to know.
> My question is about how to compile a library that contains C code. At the
> end of this message is a simple example of an 'increase' function. To
> compile, I run
>  ghc Increase.hs --make -o increase increase.c
> and everything works as expected. But then when I want to load the example
> in GHCi, I need to give the object file at the command line
>  ghci Increase increase.o
> or I get "unknown symbol `increase'" when I try to run main. It feels a bit
> awkward to have to list the object files every time I want to run GHCi. Is
> there any way of avoiding that? There must be, because if I install the
> files as a Cabal library, I can fire up GHCi without mentioning any object
> files. But I don't want to go through cabal every time I want test some part
> of my code.
> Thanks for any help,
> / Emil
> ----------------
> increase.h:
>  int increase(int x);
> increase.c:
>  #include "increase.h"
>  int increase(int x) {
>    return x+1;
>  }
> Increase.hs:
>  {-# INCLUDE "increase.h" #-}
>  {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
>  import Foreign.C
>  foreign import ccall "increase.h increase" inc :: CInt -> CInt
>  main = print (inc 2, inc 20)
> ----------------
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