On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:07 PM, Benjamin L. Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> On Sun, 19 Oct 2008 23:08:06 +0200, Achim Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >What kind of things, barring coding on Haskell-less platforms and
> >library interfaces would you choose to do in C++?
> >
> >I'm asking 'cos I'm learning C++ and can't get the proper motivation to
> >do any program I can think of in it: If I need abstraction, I'm
> >thinking Haskell or Scheme, and if I'm thinking performance, C itself
> >more than suffices.
> >
> >Plus template programming makes me shudder because of its atrocities
> >against clear and straightforward FP, but that's a different matter.
> >
> >Coming to think of it, a compiler from a clean syntax to C++ templates
> >sounds like a fun project... which I'd do in Haskell.
> Read the following uncensored interview with Bjarne Stroustrup, the
> designer of C++, and then tell me what you think:
> An Interview with Bjarne Stroustrup
> http://www.ariel.com.au/jokes/An_Interview_with_Bjarne_Stroustrup.html

I'm pretty sure that "interview" is a fake one.

> -- Benjamin L. Russell
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