On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 22:13:10 -0700
"Jared Updike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't even get a simple example to show up in a PDF file

I can't even get my simple example to show up anywhere, period. PDF,
DVI, PS - anything.

No matter which way I try, and I've tried lots, I always hit some kind
of PostScript or TeX error. My Haskell file is attached.

I asked about it on the tex-live mailing list, and I got this
response, advising me to speak to the author:

From: Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Robin Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [tex-live] Missing \endcsname errors when trying to insert
MetaPost graphic into PDF Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:28:20 +0200
User-Agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080305)

Hi Robin,

Robin Green wrote:
> No, it was generated by MetaPost. Here are the sequence of commands I
> used:  

FuncMP.mp is the culprit here. It alters MetaPost's output via
explicit special command so that it is no longer acceptable
to the mptopdf converter.

>> I suggest you rename the file to figure1.eps (and run
>> epstopdf on it before inclusion in your latex document)  
> "epstopdf figure1.eps" outputs this error:
> Error: /undefined in cmmi10  

If the document was was 'plain' metapost input, it would actually
have been possible to fix this in texlive 2008 by adding


at the top of the figure1.mp file.

However, FuncMP.mp has redefined (via specials) the PostScript commands
like /fshow etc,. so this won't work. Also, it seems to be altering
the label typesetting so that it uses metafont bitmap (pk) fonts
instead of type1.

My advice is to look into the functional metapost documentation or
ask its author for help and guidelines on how to use the result
images in pdftex (as opposed to dvips/xdvi).

Best wishes,
import FMP (circle, generate, math, text)
import FMP.Tree (edge, enode, node)

fig1 = node (circle $ math "\\lambda")
            [ enode (circle $ text "::")
                   [ enode (circle $ text "x") []
                   , enode (circle $ text "Int") []
            , enode (circle $ text "+")
                   [ enode (circle $ text "x") []
                   , enode (circle $ text "1") []

main = generate "figure" 1 fig1
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